I know I said I was going to take a break over the weekend, but I saw your reports about the succubus not keeping her vagina, and just had to get that fixed!
Here are the download links for version
Pre-zipped easy download link (use this one!): Mega
(Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)
Lilith's Throne requires the latest version of Java to be installed on your computer.
Be aware: This version is still a very early release. There are game-breaking bugs, dead-end content, and it has not been fully tested as an executable jar. Please take that into consideration while playing!
Patch Notes:
- Succubus will now correctly retain her vagina if you choose 'keep vagina'. (This was the reason for this hotfix.)
- Fixed a couple of actions where the partner would start penetrating the player even if they didn't have a penis.
- Fixed description of tongue being pierced even when it wasn't in selfie.
- Fixed "cherry" description of Lilaya's pussy. (She definitely isn't a virgin...)
- Fixed small typos.
- Increased succubus encounter chance from 1% to 2%. (I don't want to set it any higher than this, as low-level players are pretty much guaranteed to get destroyed if they encounter her.)
P.S. I'm aware of several more bugs that you've reported, but didn't have time to fix them just yet. The ones I'm aware of are: - Piercings bugs (not getting pierced but money is being taken from you). - Partners do not respond properly to your requests in sex. - Anal penetration is not an option when the partner has their back against the wall. (I couldn't replicate this, but I'll do some more testing on Monday!) - Explore option not appearing after sex in alleyways. - And as an extra bonus, I'll just say that options to interact with the succubus's nipples/tail will be included next version. (As well as demonic penis/vagina descriptions, and unique descriptions for the succubus.)