Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Goals for 0.1.85

EDIT: I'll push the update to github/patreon before I go to sleep (some time before 06:00BST).

Hello! :3

I forgot to post this yesterday... Oops...

This week, I'm focusing on getting the basics of slavery content finished (for an update late on Wednesday evening), and then for the remaining two days, I'll focus on writing incest, orgasm, and new TF content. ^^

It's very likely that the next version (0.1.86) will be focused on polishing up whatever I don't get finished this week, as well as fixing bugs, writing in new content, and getting save compatibility work done.

Sorry that I didn't keep the list updated last week, but I'll try my best to update it properly this week! A green X means that it's done.

For Wednesday

Slave Accommodation
X Add a couple more upgrades.

Slave Acquisition
X Buying slaves from Slaver Alley.
X Transfer slaves from Slavery Administration to Lilaya's home.

Slave Management
X Fetishes.
X Jobs.
X Room assignment.
X Permissions & rules.

Slave Interactions
X Talk.
X Give gift.
X Punish.
X Sex.

Slave Removal
X Free.
X Sell.

Bug fixes
X Fix at least 10 bugs.

For Friday (running into next week)

Incest Dialogue
X Add in dialogue for all placeholders.

X Add in more dialogue options.

X Improve orgasm dialogue.

X Add in position-specific orgasm scenes.

X Add in body-part recognition for orgasm scenes (such as knotting, orifice modifiers, fluid modifiers, etc.).

New TFs
X Add in missing content related to the new transformations. (Addictive fluids, part modifiers referenced during sex, etc.)

X Add in (very basic!) personality types and backgrounds, to help make randomly generated NPCs feel a little more alive.

Ongoing projects:

Implement new saving system:
X Try and get all Serializable objects to work between versions. (This didn't work.)
X Decide on using XML or JSON. (JSON turned out to be a lot faster - thanks Pimgd!)

JSON conversion for:
X Body
X Inventory
X Map
X Finishing touches