Thursday 20 October 2016

New Posting Style & How updates will be handled

So, up until now, I've been making one post every day to keep track of progress. Now that I've released the first version of the game, I feel like this posting style won't work as well any more, as anything important will be buried under lots of mini-update posts.

Therefore, I'm going to switch styles from making one post every day, to making a single, big post every time I release an update. I'll also make posts if I feel like I need to address something, but for the most part, there will be a single large post on each update day.

Updates will be released every week on a Tuesday. By this method, version 0.1.5 (the target for announcement on TFGamesSite), will be released on 22nd November.

I know I said I'd put up a java installation tutorial today, but I'm too tired at the moment, so it'll have to be either tomorrow or on Friday later.

Using this new posting style, my next major post will be on Tuesday 25th October.