Sunday 12 May 2024

A few more days...

I really hate making these posts more than anything, especially after I was so confident in giving a release date in my last post, but I need a few more days to get this next preview update ready.

Everything was going very well, but then over the past couple of days I've hit a bit of a wall and struggled to get the end of the new quest content finished. It shouldn't take me much longer to get it done now, so I should have it released some time around the middle of next week. If it's going to take me any longer than that (it really shouldn't...) I'll make another post to let you know.

Sorry for the disappointment, and I'll get this update to you as soon as I possibly can!

Saturday 4 May 2024

More Progress News

I've been working hard this week trying to get the quest content added for a release this Sunday. Unfortunately, however, it's taking me longer to implement than I'd hoped, so realistically I'm going to need another week to get it completely finished.

This delay isn't due to any struggles I've had with getting new mechanics added or anything like that, it's simply because there's been so much to add. I've got the whole start of the quest done, from obtaining Angelixx's diary (which is what triggers it), to meeting a contact, to entering the first area and then proceeding into the new map. The first section of that new map is also completely done, and the basic framework for all the rest of the quest's content has been added (and by basic framework I mean dialogue nodes with just 'TODO - brief overview of scene'). There are no more unique NPCs to add, nor items or mechanics, so there shouldn't be anything unexpected to slow me down. It's just a matter of writing the content and implementing/improving aspects of the quest as I go.

In order to really give myself enough time to get it completely done, I'll say that the update will be out no later than the following Sunday, 12th May. I absolutely will be able to get it finished by then, and I'll make another post next week letting you know how things are going.

Thank you for your patience, and once again for your support! I'll make the wait worth it, and I'll see you again soon!