Version 0.1.2 is a very small update that just fixes a few bugs and implements some minor UI changes. The reason that there is so little content in this version is that the main story is being drastically changed. I wasn't happy with the setting or the general feel of the game, so for version 0.1.3, there will be a dramatic shift in the style of the story and content. This version is still very much in a prototype stage, with the first 'real' release still slated for version 0.1.5. Here is the download link for version 0.1.2:
Download link: Google Drive
Lilith's Throne requires java to be installed on your computer.
Be aware: This version is a mess. There are game-breaking bugs, almost no content, and it has not been tested as an executable jar. I strongly advise waiting for release 0.1.5 before playing the game.
Patch notes:
- Slightly altered colours of empty inventory slots
- Added highlighting for tooltip information panel.
- Added transition effect (quick fade-in) to main content.
- New quests now highlight the journal button.
- Fixed bug where watch hands weren't rendering.
- Fixed some minor text formatting bugs.
- Increased tooltip description box size to fix long text rendering bug.
- Fixed some transformation descriptions.
- Can no longer see if unidentified items are jinxed/enchanted when on the floor.
- Fixed inventory response titles.
- Changed attribute name 'Spell cost reduction' to 'magic affinity'.
- Aligned all inventory dialogue responses: 1=(un)equip 2=take/drop.
- Slightly altered some colours.
- Item catalogue in phone menu is now working. (Unlock items, clothing & weapons by using/equipping them).
- Jinxed items now give a small corruption increase if you discover their jinx by equipping them.
Version 0.1.3
Version 0.1.3 will be released on November 15th. It will be solely focused on re-writing the story, and will contain far more content than is currently found in version 0.1.2.