Wednesday 7 November 2018

Ongoing Progress & v0.3 Focus

Hello once again! This is just a post to keep you all updated on my progress and plans.

I've got all of the reported bugs in fixed, and have also made good progress towards getting the imp fortresses & Lyssieth's palace finished. For the rest of this week, I'm going to be purely focusing on adding all the dialogue and mechanics for those two areas, and, while I could probably also get the very basics of the Fields map done in time for v0.3, it would almost certainly be very, very limited in content.

Due to this, I've decided to push the Fields area back to v0.3.1, so that I don't end up giving you all a rushed first impression of it (which would most likely include several annoying bugs). As the palace content will take the main story right up to the start of that next area, v0.3.1 will definitely have the Fields in it, so don't worry, it won't be long!

Please expect this next release to be out on the night of Tuesday, 13th. If I have it ready before then, I will release it early, but I'm not sure if that's likely to happen. I'll make another progress report on Friday or Saturday, so see you again then! ^^