Saturday 8 December 2018

Version Hotfix Update .95 had a bug where NPCs were appearing on random tiles. I've updated the download links in this post with .96, which fixes this issue. Unless there's another major bug, any further fixes will be rolled into v0.3.


I'm so sorry about those major bugs in v0.2.12.9! In my (somewhat limited) testing last night, I only went to Submission, Dominion, Lilaya's house, and the Siren's citadel, so the game-breaking bug that was occurring when entering some of the other areas eluded me... x_x

Anyway, this hotfix should get it all working correctly again. Version 0.3 will still be out on Wednesday night! ^^

v0.2.12.96 Download Links

This is still an alpha, and contains bugs and half-finished content!

.jar (If you are having trouble running this, please try the .exe version.)

Pre-zipped: Mega

Full folder: Google Drive

.exe (For Windows if you haven't installed/updated java.):

Pre-zipped: Mega

Full folder: Google Drive

32-bit .exe (For 32-bit Windows if you haven't installed/updated java.):

Pre-zipped: Mega

Full folder: Google Drive

v0.2.12.96 patch notes

  • Bugs:
    • Fixed issue where random NPCs were appearing in tiles.
      Fixed your name being displayed as 'You' in your character panel on the left of the screen.

    v0.2.12.95 patch notes

  • Bugs:
    • Fixed major bug where entering a lot of areas would freeze the game.
      Exiting the citadel after beating the Siren now correctly displays the 'Enter' action.
      Beating the Siren now correctly removes Takahashi from the citadel. (Also retroactively removes her if you've already beaten the Siren.)
      Fixed desaturated youko tile icon still being coloured.
      Fixed (for real this time) the bug where asking Elizabeth about her uniform would lock you into that tile.
      The arcane revolver now correctly drains 1 essence when fired.
      Fixed issue where Fyrsia would appear in the other imp fortresses, sometimes in the place of the correct leader. (She will move back to her own keep once you leave/re-enter any fortress.)
      Fixed missing dialogue when entering Hyorlyss's pacified keep.
      Enemies no longer only use defensive spells in combat.
      Fixed numerous issues with clubbers in the Watering Hole - it should all work correctly again now.
      Fixed age preferences not being saved and restored between games.
      Fixed issue with changing Youko slaves' names.