Saturday 13 April 2024

Version "Hotfix" Release

While this version was supposed to be a hotfix focused on fixing bugs, I ended up getting distracted and adding some small new features and content. Although I have managed to get some bugs fixed, the issue where stored cum (in condoms, milking rooms, and in orifices) would update to take into account transformations in the owner's body took longer to fix than expected, so I didn't get nearly as many bugs fixed as I wanted to. There was (so far as I can see) only one major game-breaking bug in the last version, where the game would sometimes freeze and crash when an orgasm sex action caused body parts to get covered in cum. I've got that fixed, so hopefully there won't be any need for another hotfix...

The next update is almost certainly going to be a preview version on SubscribeStar. I'll release more details of what's going to be in it soon, but for now I'm planning on adding a chunk of new content and fixing more bugs. I'll also make the artwork preview posts for supporters on SubscribeStar within the next few days.

Thank you all once again so much for your support, and I'll see you again in the next post (which will be early next week)!

As always, you can also build these releases yourself from the public github's dev branch (which is always kept up to date with the very latest version):
(There's a build tutorial here.)

IMPORTANT: If you're building through github, you'll now need to place the 'liliths-throne-public/res' folder in the same directory as the exported .jar!

v0.4.9.8 Download Links

This is still an alpha, and contains bugs and half-finished content!
Note: If you're on Windows, it's best to use the .exe version (only use the 32-bit exe if you're using 32-bit Windows). The .jar download is so that players on Linux or MacOS can get the game to run, in which case you'll need to make sure that you have java installed on your machine and that you have JavaFX installed too. You can ask in the #tech-support channel on the LT discord for help if it's not working.

.exe (Recommended for Windows OS):

Pre-zipped: Mega

Pre-zipped: Google Drive

32-bit .exe (For 32-bit Windows):

Pre-zipped: Mega

Pre-zipped: Google Drive

.jar (For Linux or Mac OS):

Pre-zipped: Mega

Pre-zipped: Google Drive

v0.4.9.8 Patch Notes


  • Minor improvements to class xml save formatting.
  • Added copy constructors to all body part classes.


  • If the 'non-con' and 'rape-play allowed by default' content settings are enabled, then random NPCs with the unwilling fuck toy fetish will have 'rape-play' sex actions after defeating them in combat instead of the normal 'sex' ones.


  • You can now use the arcane makeup set in sex.
  • Added a new 'creampie retention' enchantment for clothing, which when used in combination with an orifice modifier, prevents creampies from being lost over time in the associated orifice.


  • Mute NPCs will no longer act as though they're trying to talk when reacting to the possible loss of their orifices' virginity.
  • Orgasming characters will now only say the 'get pregnant' lines when giving their partner a creampie if their 'impregnation' fetish desire is positive, their partner is fertile, and the orgasming character is virile.
  • Re-added 'Finger insemination' action which was temporarily removed from Brax's old sex content some time in v0.2.x. The action is now split into 4, which take the form of: partner-start-fingering, partner-ongoing-fingering, self-start-fingering, and self-ongoing-fingering.
  • Added tracking of cum on body parts during sex, which can be seen in the inventory slot tooltips, and which is used to determine the availability and effects of the re-added 'Finger insemination' sex actions.


  • 'Feral bite' now critically hits when the target has less than 25% health remaining.


  • Added a 'Lip lisps' content setting, allowing you to enable or disable the lisp effect gained from having huge lips. (Accessed via 'Content options' -> 'Bodies' -> 'Lip lisps', being enabled by default.)
  • Several very minor improvements to UI (transformation menu modifiers buttons, transparent covering icon, piercing inventory tooltips).
  • Renamed 'clear' body covering to 'transparent' to make it a little more obvious what the covering was meant to represent.
  • Dolls now correctly have doll-specific fluids (milk, cum, girlcum), which all start with 'slimy' and 'mineral oil' fluid modifiers. Doll fluids are worth 1/4 that of normal fluids.
  • When a creampie dirties clothing that's covering the creampied orifice, the game is no longer interrupted by a message telling you that that's just happened, and instead a 'Creampie' event is added to the event log (in the bottom-right of the UI).
  • Increased the true age of several unique demon characters (Amber, Kate, Natalya, Zaranix, and Lunexis), although their 'age appearance' remains unaffected.


  • Parsing fixes.
  • Fixed rare issue where the game would sometimes freeze and crash when an orgasm action caused body parts to get covered in cum.
  • Fixed bug where the covering of taurs' asses and hips was linked to their torso covering instead of their leg covering.
  • Fixed bug where unique NPCs who are your slaves (i.e. Scarlett and Brax) would never go to sleep.
  • The 'barren' and 'firing blanks' perks now correctly stop applying their anti-pregnancy/impregnation effects when removed from your active trait bar.
  • Additional speech patterns (such as those in bimbo speech) are no longer applied at the start of sentences. (So weird sentences such as 'Hello., um, I'm a bimbo!' will no longer appear.)
  • The gender of offspring is no longer determined solely by gender preferences, and instead now correctly takes into account the 'chanceForMaleOffspring' value from the mother's race.
  • Fixed bug where demonic offspring were unaffected by genetics.
  • Fixed bug with stored cum (in the milking room and in orifices), where if the cum provider was transformed, their transformation would be reflected in their stored cum. (i.e. A character's stored cum now correctly saves their genetics at the moment of storage.)
  • Fixed bug where if you attacked random characters who you've befriended in Elis's alleyways, you'd be presented with a scene which had no actions, preventing you from progressing.
  • Made some very minor dialogue improvements to random NPC post-combat dialogue and corrected some minor inconsistencies in some of the scenes.
  • Using the debug menu in sex will now correctly return you to the sex scene when exiting from it, instead of putting you inthe default dialogue and thereby breaking the game.