Wednesday 19 July 2017

Release will be on Friday

Hello again!

I'm making this post to say that the next release will be out on Friday. I know I said there would be another hotfix this evening, but I'm going to have to scrap that plan.

After putting out the release last Friday, then making a hotfix for Sunday, then trying to get another hotfix done for today, I feel as though I've been rushing to get the harpy content fully written. I've got the matriarch nests fully written up, but, after reading through them, I feel as though the quality of the writing isn't good enough. Therefore, I'm going to take another couple of days to edit and improve it all, as well as adding a few more little things.

It's only another three days until the release on Friday, so I hope you won't mind the minor delay. I figured that it would be better to wait a few more days and get something that's polished rather than get a rough copy now. Sorry for the minor delay! ;_;