Thursday 5 August 2021

Plan for v0.4.2

Hello again,

This is just a small post to let you all know what my plans are for the next couple of weeks. I'm going to be working on v0.4.1.5 next, which will be a preview release, and then after that I'll be working on v0.4.2, which will be a full public release.

So, my plan for v0.4.1.5 is to get the following done:
- Fix bugs
- Merge PRs
- Add meeting with Minotallys
- Possibly some more Elis content

My goals for v0.4.1.5 are quite limited in scope as I'd like to get it released as soon as possible and then move on to v0.4.2, which will include the following:
- Main quest content after Minotallys meeting
- Elis shopping precinct content

Again, I'm going to keep the scope limited for v0.4.2, as I want to try and return to the old format of getting more versions released with relatively less content in them rather than putting out one larger update every few weeks. I'm roughly aiming on having v0.4.1.5 released early-to-mid next week, and after that's out, I'll give a rough estimate on when I'm expecting v0.4.2 to be ready.

Thank you for your continued interest in Liltih's Throne, and I'll see you again soon!