Tuesday 24 August 2021

Progress News

Hello again,

This is just another small post to let you know how things are progressing towards v0.4.2's release.

So, since the last post, I've been working on adding the shopkeepers to the shopping precinct in Elis. I decided to add a small side quest for one of these shopkeepers, and as part of that, I've ended up having to add a new area outside of Elis, along with some standalone content for it outside of this Elis-related side quest.

Adding content for this new area has taken longer than I expected, so I'll have to push the expected date of v0.4.2's release back by a few days. As such, I'm now expecting to have this public release out on the evening of this Saturday (28th).

I'll make another post on Thursday to let you know how things are going, so I'll see you again then.