Saturday 9 April 2022

Plan for v0.4.4

Hello again!

First of all, sorry about how long it's been since my last post. By the time of the release of v0.4.3.9, I'd gotten myself into a completely fatigued state, and since then I've been resting and trying to recover my energy. I've still been doing planning work for future releases of LT, but as I've been feeling completely drained and unable to focus, I haven't managed to get any writing or programming work done. I kept on putting off making this post due to the fact that I felt like I didn't have much to say, and also due to feeling guilty for not making any concrete progress on LT.

Thankfully, after taking this break, I'm starting to feel a lot better and ready to get back into working on LT. I'm going to get things organised tomorrow, and then on Monday I'll be back to working on v0.4.4. Speaking of which, my plan for that version is to get the writing for the new tavern area finished, and also to deal with any bugs or other minor issues which cropped up in v0.4.3.9.

I won't give a release date for v0.4.4, as I keep on missing release dates and disappointing you all, but instead I'll make a progress post towards the end of the week to let you know how things are going. In future, I'll try to only give release dates when I know for certain that I'll be able to meet them (but I've said this in the past and then ended up doing it anyway, so we'll see how long that lasts...).

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. I'll do my very best to make v0.4.4 a good release, and I'll work hard to get it out to you as soon as I possibly can. I'll see you again in the next progress post, which will be some time around Thursday evening!