Sunday 17 March 2024

Update Soon

Once again I'm very sorry for failing to make a post or get an update released in so long. I've been in a very bad state of mind for the past few months, which has made it very difficult to work on Lilith's Throne. I really feel very angry with myself for not having made a post sooner to let you know that I'm still here and trying to get back on track with everything. Before making Lilith's Throne (and afterwards), I've been in the same position as you and wondered why a dev hasn't posted an update in months. I've been struggling to do much of anything since the start of December, but even with that being the case it is inexcusable for me to have not made at least a small 'I'm still here' post, and so all I can do is say that I am extremely sorry for leaving you in limbo for so long.

The reason for me making this post today is that I've recently resolved the main cause of the stress which has been crippling me for so long. As such, I'm getting back to work on Lilith's Throne, and I am very confident that I'll be able to (finally) get this next update released by the end of this month. I'll make another post on Friday to give you more details on what will be in this update.

Thank you so much for all of your kind and supportive comments, and for your support over on SubscribeStar. I'm sorry again for how poor my communication has been, and for the lack of updates. I will do my very best to not let this happen again.