Tuesday 31 October 2017

Halloween Release

Happy Halloween! :3

As mentioned in Friday's update post, I decided to make an early release this week for Halloween! There will still be another release on Friday as usual (v0.1.88); this is just a special extra little release. :3

There are still a lot of rough edges to the slavery content (and the anilingus actions need to be polished a little), but the rest of the content should be working fine! If the last version you played was 0.1.87, then this release includes the patch notes from, so check the previous post to see all those patch notes as well! ^^

This is an early release (for me, anyway), so I'll be around for quite a while yet. If there are any major bugs, I'll make a hotfix before I sleep! :3

This is still an early alpha, and will most likely contain bugs and half-finished content!

Download links for the .jar version:

Pre-zipped: Mega

(Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)

.exe version (Please use this if you are on Windows and have not installed/updated java!):

Pre-zipped: Mega

(Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)

Version patch notes:

  • Gameplay:
    • Temporarily made new games start 1 week earlier than your system's calendar date, so that there's a week in-game in which to discover witches. I'll add in a starting date selection option as soon as I can.
      Added basic transformative effects to events for slaves with feminine and masculine testing permissions enabled while working as a test subject. (Will be improved upon for Friday.)
      Added in 'slave uses you' random encounter while walking the corridors of Lilaya's house. If a slave is allowed to walk around Lilaya's house, has the 'Use you' permission enabled, is attracted to you, and is not at work, there's a chance they will ambush you and have sex with you.
      Slaves who are not allowed to masturbate or have sex will get 'pent-up' after 24-hours, and will be far more likely to use you if they have that permission enabled.
  • Sex:
    • Added: Anilingus actions. They're only available in the 69 and witch's oral positions for now, but I'll add more as soon as I can! :3
      Split the witch's sex position up into an oral and sex version. (To avoid those crazy oral+sex combinations.)
      Added arousal increases for the penetrating partner as well as the penetrated partner for all sex status effects.
      Added status effect during sex for breasts.
  • Other:
    • Added a calendar toggle button next to the date, which allows you to switch the display between the in-game calendar's date and the number of in-game days that you've played.
      Offspring gender and furryness now take into account your preferences.
      Witches now deny your requests when they're the one in charge.
      The 'Overworked' status effect for slaves now reduces affection towards you by 0.1 for each hour that they're at work.
      Changed witches from having random fetishes to having ones suitable for their actions.
      Witch's costume gained after beating a witch should now be the same colour as her costume.
  • Bugs:
    • Fixed bug related to HP/WP/SP values gained from background selection not being calculated correctly. (The stats are now being added to bonus stats, until I do the planned improvements to the combat & stats system.)
      Fixed witch's penis disappearing after the first time you had sex with her.
      Added 'Seeder' to the list of available fetishes for enchanting onto the Fetish Endowment Potion.
      Fixed Ralph's 'Big discount' action sometimes bugging out and causing him to do nothing if his arousal wasn't high enough.
      Fixed bug where orifices wouldn't be stretched after sex.
      Alleyway succubus should now really be fixed! (They were still pushing you into unwanted positions...)
      Removing one of the prerequisites for a derived fetish (e.g. virgin fetish for lusty maiden) will now correctly remove the derived fetish.
      Fixed strange formatting when drinking a 'Fetish Enhancement' potion that contains multiple effects.
      Dominant partners should now attempt to gain access to both their and the player's genitals during sex. If, however, they have a certain preference (such as receiving oral), they will only get access to the parts they need (such as the player's mouth and their own groin).
      Changed femininity-based horn types to a femininity detection system, which should have fixed several issues with forced horn TFs, as well as making horn TF potions simpler.
      Fixed sex bug where some NPCs would incorrectly be able to end sex early (such as slaves).
      Fixed several other actions not showing up in sex scenes where they should have been.
      Fixed bug where submissive NPCs in certain sex scenes would be able to stop penetrative actions.
      Added fetish potions to the items usable on generic NPCs during sex.
      Fixed possible cause of the bug that was setting offspring's height to the minimum value.
      Month names *should* now be displaying in English rather than using your system's locale.
      Removed 'normal-sized' from lip descriptors during sex.
      Minor typo fixes.
      Fixed bug where witches change into random clothing if you unequipped their clothes.
      Fixed bug where NPCs would sometimes get stuck on not being able to remove your clothing properly.
      Forced transformations should no longer change your penis/vagina type if you have the preference set to 'Human only' or 'Minimum furry'. (They will still make you grow new genitalia if they desire them, but will not change the types of any pre-existing genitalia.)

    Saturday 28 October 2017

    Version Progress Update

    Hello again everyone! :3

    So, I got some progress done towards those 0.1.88 goals, but I got carried away again and made an entire Halloween event...

    Anyway, this version is mostly adding in said Halloween content, along with some sex AI fixes, and some other minor things (you can read all the additions in the patch notes below). I'm going to get all of 0.1.88's goals done for next Friday!

    Oh, I'm also planning on making an early public release next week (on Halloween, which is on Tuesday), so that everyone can see this Halloween content (and then the final 0.1.88 update will be on Friday as usual)! :3

    As always, I build these previews for backers on Patreon, but if you're not a patron, you can also build these previews yourself from the github:

    Version progress:

  • Gameplay:
    • Added: Witch event. While travelling through the streets of Dominion, if the in-game month is October, then there's a small chance of a witch encounter. (Once there are 4 witches on the map, more witches will not spawn.)
      Changed generic 'Day x' counter to an actual in-game date. I decided to change this so that I could detect and deliver special events based on month/date. (Such as the Halloween content only appearing in October.)
      Added calendar to your room, along with some dialogue from Lilaya after you've inspected it, as well as some lore information about October.
  • UI:
    • Very slightly changed the UI to fit in date & time.
  • Weapons:
    • Added: Witch's Broom (Main slot, 2 new spells).
  • Clothing:
    • Added: Witch's Dress (Feminine, Torso slot).
      Added: Witch's Hat (Feminine, Head slot).
      Added: Witch's Boots (Feminine, Foot slot).
      Added: Witch's Thigh-high Boots (Feminine, Foot slot).
  • Items:
    • Added: Mystery Kink. A consumable that adds or removes a random fetish from the drinker. Can be enchanted into 'Fetish Endowment'. (Sold by Ralph, or a small chance of being dropped by random enemies.)
  • Sex:
    • Added descriptions for all already-exposed orifices to the start of sex.
      Improved consensual sex detection methods, so all NPCs should now be behaving like they were prior to 0.1.86. (I.e. not ending/taking control of sex when they're the sub.)
  • Sex AI:
    • NPCs now prefer to displace clothing rather than removing it entirely.
      Based on their fetishes, NPCs will now generate a preferred SexType and position for 'foreplay' and 'main sex' stages of sex. (Foreplay is currently defined as partner's arousal being less than 25.)
      They will use their preferred SexType to determine clothing removal and action decision-making. (In an attempt to make sex less random.)
      The alleyway succubus should now actually do as she says, and prioritise penetrating your vagina/ass.
  • Other:
    • Added 'orange' to makeup colours.
      Increased the amount of essences dropped after combat, and doubled the amount gained from orgasms.
      Updated a lot of old parsing methods, which should have fixed several minor parsing errors.
      Tweaked NPCs' race preference chances for forced TF.
  • Bugs:
    • Fixed more issues with older character imports.
      Fixed the text field for changing a slave's name in the jobs and permissions screens accepting hotkey input.
      Fixed watch hands not rendering (again).
      Fixed several errors in parsing an NPC's transformations.
      Fixed crash when trying to get a succubus to equip a condom.
      Removed duplicate corruption gain messages in sex.
      You can no longer unequip an NPC's weapon during sex. (To fix a cause of some bugs until I can implement proper behaviour.)

    P.S. I've fallen behind on the comments again... I'll get through them all tomorrow! :3

    Tuesday 24 October 2017

    Goals for version 0.1.88

    Hello! :3

    As many of you have pointed out, I'm definitely promising too much each update... I do like to push myself by setting ambitious targets, but I feel as though that's causing frustration when they aren't met. As a result, I'm going to start limiting my goals for each version to half of what I'd normally set myself. This won't affect in any way the amount of work I get done each week, but it will hopefully result in less disappointment.

    So, due to all of the above, I'm going to limit my goals to the stuff I didn't manage to get finished in 0.1.87. Then, if I manage to achieve more than that, it will be a nice bonus! :3

    I'll try to mark off the sections once I've finished working on them. ^^

    Goals for 0.1.88:

    - Fix bugs! :3

    - Add/Remove fetishes.
    - Add some more jobs, events, and permissions.

    Orgasms & Sex
    - Improve orgasm dialogue.
    - Add position-specific orgasm scenes.
    - Add body-part recognition for orgasm scenes Things such as knotting, orifice modifiers, fluid modifiers, etc.
    - Add anilingus.
    - Add thigh sex and hotdogging.
    - Work on final improvements to the sex system.

    Adding content
    - Add in missing content related to the new transformations. Addictive fluids, part modifiers referenced during sex, etc.
    - Add in main story content.

    Ongoing save-compatibility project:

    - Finish full export functionality.

    Sunday 22 October 2017

    Version 0.1.87 Release

    I've updated the download links with a hotfixed version ( The patch notes are at the bottom of this post.

    Hello everyone! :3

    First of all, I'm sorry for the one-day delay, and for running a little late with this release time. As I said in the previous post, I had some personal matters that took up a lot of my time this week, so I didn't manage to get as much done as I'd hoped... :(

    That being said, I did (finally) manage to get all of the slavery mechanics finished in the engine. I didn't quite have enough time to write in all the events and interactions that I wanted, so I'll be finishing those off next week, along with starting work on the planned sex and TF content.

    Due to the limited amount of time I had available this week, I didn't get any time in which to do proper bug-testing, so it's very likely that I'll have to make a hotfix for early next week.

    Download links for the .jar version:

    Pre-zipped: Mega

    (Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)

    .exe version (Please use this if you are on Windows and have not installed/updated java!):

    Pre-zipped: Mega

    (Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)

    This is still an early alpha, and will most likely contain bugs and half-finished content!

    Version 0.1.87 patch notes:

  • Slavery:
    • Finished: All basic slavery mechanics. I'll expand the slavery content over the course of the game's development to add in more jobs/permissions/events, but all of the core slavery mechanics that I had planned are now in the engine.
      Added: Slavery event loop. The game calculates a slave's income, affection & obedience changes, location (based on job), and all other slavery-related information every in-game hour.
      Added: Slavery events. The game now has a chance to generate an event for each of your slaves every hour. Events take into account what other NPCs the slave has access to, as well as what permissions & job settings are enabled.
      Added: Jobs. You can assign your slaves to perform different jobs (9 at the moment), some of which have special setting that influence random events that occur while they're working.
      Added: Permissions. You can now assign permissions to your slaves, which influence random events that occur while they're working/idle.
      Improved slave management UI.
      Removed caps for room upgrades' obedience and affection changes.
  • UI:
    • Slightly improved layout at higher resolutions.
  • Other:
    • Buffed rainbow gloves and stockings.
      Added safety goggles spawning in Lilaya's lab. (These have been in the game files for some time, but I forgot to add them in...)
      Refined some of the named NPC's body types.
      Added option to set the amount of NPCs spawning with the 'transformer' fetish.
      'Forced TF racial limits' in the furry setting should now be working. (I didn't have time to test, so it may be a little buggy. ;_;)
      NPCs will now try to forcibly transform you even if they aren't already attracted to you.
      Candi and Brandi now wear stiletto heels.
      Lactating nipples should now start sex pre-lubricated with milk.
  • Bugs:
    • Fixed a cause of a UI display bug in the furry preferences screen.
      Fixed slave collar not sealing/jinxing itself onto slaves when equipped.
      Fixed the 'Rest until Morning' action in your room sometimes causing you to sleep until the next day (for a 24 hr+ rest).
      Fixed skewed prices of essence vials.
      Fixed several of the racial lore books being unable to be sold.
      Fixed imported slaves obtaining randomly assigned fetishes.
      Imported slaves are now added to your contacts list.
      Fixed bug where items in your wardrobe during character creation could be found on the map after game start.
      Imported characters should no longer start with most of their combat stats drained.
      Fixed bug where removing tongue modifiers using potions would add them instead.
      Fixed bug where imported characters were starting with incorrect orifice modifiers.
      Minor breast-size detection fix.
      Lilaya's skin colour should now correctly be the same as your starting skin colour.
      Inconsistent dialogue fixes in the prologue.
      Fixed 'Spit' and 'Swallow' options always appearing after a fight (even when the NPC didn't have the 'giving TF' fetish).

    Version Hotfix patch notes:

  • Other:
    • Added the same placeholder dialogue for slaves in each of their work locations (excluding Lilaya's lab).
  • Bugs:
    • Fixed bug where you couldn't interact with slaves in their room.
      Fixed NPC icons showing up in random places on the map.
      Fixed imported slaves having the dog bite special attack.
      Fixed UI bug where attribute bars would just be showing grey bars.
      Fixed some strange behaviour with room upgrades.
      Fixed old character import compatibility issues. (You should be able to properly import your v0.1.86 characters now.)
      Fixed numerous issues with trading slaves through Alexa's shop.

    P.S. I'll definitely respond to everyone tomorrow! :3

    Friday 20 October 2017

    Release will be on Saturday

    Hello everyone! ^^

    Unfortunately, as the title of this post says, I'm going to have to push the release back one day to Saturday 21st October. (23:00-04:00BST)

    The reason for this is due to some personal problems that I had this week, which, while now resolved, took up an annoyingly large amount of my time. I'm still on track to get the slavery basics completely finished for Saturday, but the sex, TF, and main story content will all have to be rolled over into the next release.

    I really am sorry about the delay, but these problems came out of nowhere... ;_;

    (P.S. I'll try and respond to all of your comments in the previous post tomorrow!)

    Tuesday 17 October 2017

    Continued goals for 0.1.87

    Hello once again! ^^

    So, here's the usual Monday/Tuesday goals post! I managed to get a lot of bugs fixed last week, as well as implementing some minor things, so now that I've got all that done, I can finally focus on getting all the basics of the slavery content finished. Once that's done (should be complete by Wednesday), I'll then be able to move on to adding in the sex content I have planned, as well as getting work done on the new transformation and main story content. Those last two will definitely run over into next week, but I'll try and get as much done as I possibly can by Friday!

    I'll try to mark off the sections once I've finished working on them. ^^

    Goals for 0.1.87:

    Polishing & Save system
    - Fix large bugs, and as many small bugs as possible.
    - Get inventory and slaves added to the character export.

    Finish slavery basics
    - Improve UI.
    - Add/Remove fetishes. This is going to require a little reworking of the essence system in order to implement the plans I have for it.
    - Jobs. Things like assisting Rose, working in a bar/brothel/milking shed, training, etc.
    - Permissions & rules. Allowing/forbidding things like 'Allowed to initiate inter-slave sex', 'Allowed to talk', 'Allowed to leave their room', etc.
    - Add more ways to influence affection and obedience. I'll expand the current options and create some categories for them.

    Orgasms & Sex
    - Improve orgasm dialogue.
    - Add in position-specific orgasm scenes.
    - Add in body-part recognition for orgasm scenes Things such as knotting, orifice modifiers, fluid modifiers, etc.
    - Add anilingus.
    - Add thigh sex and hotdogging.
    - Work on final improvements to the sex system.

    Adding content
    - Add in missing content related to the new transformations. Addictive fluids, part modifiers referenced during sex, etc.
    - Add in main story content.

    Ongoing save-compatibility project:

    JSON conversion for:
    - Body
    - Inventory
    - Map
    - NPCs
    - Finishing touches

    Saturday 14 October 2017

    Version Progress Update (And Lilaya artwork :3)

    EDIT: I fixed a major bug that was preventing you from enchanting items. If you got the update from github as soon as this post went live, please grab the new version.

    Hello once again everybody! :3

    So, for version 0.1.87's preview release, I've got all of the most pressing bugs and minor improvements done. I only had four days in which to work this week (as I had to rest on Monday after working through the weekend on v0.1.86's hotfix), so although I've got everything planned out and designed for it (and even some parts added into the code), I haven't managed to get the new slavery stuff implemented just yet. (I'm so sorry. ;_;)

    If there are any severe bugs, I'll put together a hotfix over the weekend, but if not, then I'll spend some of the weekend adding in slavery content (that really is at the very top of my list now)! I promise that it will be in for the full version next Friday, along with (at least some of) the transformation and orgasm content.

    As always, I build these previews for backers on Patreon, but if you're not a patron, you can also build these previews yourself from the github:

    I commissioned the artwork of Lilaya on the right from the artist Jam at:
    (SFW blog) http://jamdrawers.tumblr.com/
    (NSFW blog) http://ass-jam.tumblr.com/

    Jam has been a member of the Lilith's Throne discord for a little while now, and has drawn several other pieces of artwork of characters from Lilith's Throne. You can find them in some of the older posts on his blog, or in the Lilith's Throne discord channel #fan_art. ^^

    Version progress:

  • Gameplay:
    • Consolidated all essences into arcane essences. There were numerous problems with the old system of a unique essence for each race (unnecessary micro-management, far too many races planned, wasted resources), so I decided to remove them.
      Repurposed all 'bottled essence' item effects into damage & resistance multipliers based on the essence's race.
      Changed jinxed clothing removal mechanics. You now need to spend arcane essences to remove a jinx, and no longer need to worry about fiddling about with weapons.
      Consolidated Lilaya's 'discovering essences' and 'jinxed' quests into one quest.
  • Forced TF mechanics:
    • Added forced TF preference (in the furry preferences screen).
      Split transformation fetish into giving and receiving versions.
      NPCs will now only try to TF you if they have the 'giving TF' fetish.
      Removed the forced TF option in the content preferences, and instead you now have the option in each of the forced TF scenes to avoid the TF. (I might rework this a little more for the full release.) I decided to change it to this method so that players are always able to see unique options (such as Brax's and the harpy matriarchs' TFs), instead of missing out on unique scenes entirely. You can still avoid all forced TF content, don't worry if that's not your thing! ^^
      Changed Brax's TF scene to take into account TF preferences.
      Changed all three of the harpy's scenes to take into account TF preferences.
      Actions related to being forcefully transformed or transforming others now have associated fetish requirements and corruption bypasses.
      NPCs will now apply all of their genital preferences to one potion.
  • Settings & UI:
    • Improved furry preferences screen and slightly altered what each of the settings mean. (Please make sure that everything is still suitable for you after starting up your game!)
      Improved the phone's stats screens UI a little.
      Added plasticity stats to the body stats screen, along with a description of how capacity, elasticity, and plasticity work.
      Improved slavery manager UI.
  • Other:
    • Added a very minor variation ('Furries?! Yes!') to the prologue, as an opposite reaction to 'Furries?! No!'.
      Added descriptions for all vagina modifiers to selfie.
      Changed Ralph to a greater horse-morph (instead of lesser), and gave him new clothes and the 'receiving oral' fetish.
      Removed most of the restrictions on choosing your name.
      You no longer start the game with any essences. (This is so that the essence discovery quest makes sense. I plan on letting you choose some starting fetishes in the character creation, which is what the 5 starting essences were intended for.)
      Added ear colour to selfie.
      Added ability to change surname at City Hall.
      Increased limit of pairs of multi-breasts from 3 to 5.
  • Bugs:
    • Fixed bug where you couldn't properly remove a jinx from an NPC's clothing. (This is what led to me reworking the entire jinx removal system, as I realised just how cumbersome it was...)
      Typo fixes.
      Fixed bug in inventory where you'd be able to use inappropriate items on an NPC through the 'Use all' action.
      Fixed bug where condoms wouldn't be removed upon NPC's orgasm.
      Fixed UI bug where NPC's slots were shown as blocked based on your blocked slots.
      Fixed 'storm generated' NPCs not being removed from place tiles.
      Fixed body/pubic/facial hair potions not working correctly.
      Imported characters with hooves/talons can now get past the clothing selection screen (you don't need to wear shoes to pass). (I don't know how you managed to get into the clothing selection with an imported character... ^^)
      Fixed the description for Diana's perfume showing Lexi instead of Diana.
      Fixed puffy vagina description not correctly referring to labia.
      Fixed vagina modifiers not being exported/imported correctly.
      Fixed minor inconsistency in the follow up exam with Lilaya, which was referencing your clothes being destroyed.
      The Savage Attack special ability for wolf-morphs now correctly requires both wolf-morph arms and face to be available.
      You can now sell weapons and clothing to NPCs (such as Vicky) even if their inventory is full.
      Fixed dirty talk sometimes incorrectly referring to fingers.
      Fixed impenetrable nipples being described as 'extremely tight'.
      Fixed reading library books showing that you'd gained intelligence twice.
      Added NPC-specific descriptions to item effects that were lacking them.
      Non-capitalised names will no longer automatically append 'the' in front of them if it's the player's name, or if the NPC's name is known.
      Clothing can now be dyed if it's on the ground/being stored in an area.
      Removing an NPC with the 'Risk of pregnancy' status effect now correctly removes the from your pregnancy stats page.
      Fixed feminine offspring always having flat chests.
      Fixed labia size always being described as 'tiny'.
      Fixed bug where you could press 'overwrite' in the main menu (before starting a game), which would then corrupt that save file. (Sorry to those affected by this...)
  • Save compatibility:
    • Slightly improved efficiency of XML exports.
      Added money and essence saving.
      Added equipped weapon saving.
      Added equipped clothing saving.
      Added items, clothing, and weapons in inventory saving.
      Added owned slaves to exported character. (May be a little buggy... I didn't have much time left in which to test this... ;_;)

    Tuesday 10 October 2017

    Goals for 0.1.87

    Hello again everyone! :3

    Sorry that this post is a day late, but after working on the hotfix through the weekend, I needed to take a day in which to rest yesterday. ^^

    Anyway, these are all of my goals for the final version of 0.1.87. I've tried not to give myself too many, as I want to avoid disappointment if I don't manage to achieve everything. I'm confident that I can get all of this done for Friday 20th October, with a preview version (hopefully with half of this content done) for Friday 13th October. (Friday 13th! D:)

    I'm pretty hopeless at updating the little red X's to green, so I'll instead mark off entire sections once I've finished working on them. ^^

    Goals for 0.1.87:

    Polishing & Save system
    - Fix large bugs, and as many small bugs as possible.
    - Get inventory and slaves added to the character export.

    Finish slavery basics
    - Improve UI.
    - Add/Remove fetishes. This is going to require a little reworking of the essence system in order to implement the plans I have for it.
    - Jobs. Things like assisting Rose, working in a bar/brothel/milking shed, training, etc.
    - Permissions & rules. Allowing/forbidding things like 'Allowed to initiate inter-slave sex', 'Allowed to talk', 'Allowed to leave their room', etc.
    - Add more ways to influence affection and obedience. I'll expand the current options and create some categories for them.

    Orgasms & Sex
    - Improve orgasm dialogue.
    - Add in position-specific orgasm scenes.
    - Add in body-part recognition for orgasm scenes Things such as knotting, orifice modifiers, fluid modifiers, etc.
    - Add anilingus.
    - Add thigh sex and hotdogging.
    - Work on final improvements to the sex system.

    Adding content
    - Add in missing content related to the new transformations. Addictive fluids, part modifiers referenced during sex, etc.
    - Add in main story content.

    Ongoing save-compatibility project:

    JSON conversion for:
    - Body
    - Inventory
    - Map
    - NPCs
    - Finishing touches

    Sunday 8 October 2017

    Version (Hotfix)

    Hello once again! ^^

    As promised, here's a hotfix for version 0.1.86, which fixes the major bugs that were reported shortly after the release on Friday. I have read all of your comments in the previous post, but didn't have time to respond to them straight away. After this post goes live, I'll take a few minutes to have a short break, then get to responding to you all! ^^

    After that, I'll be busy for the rest of the evening sending out messages to backers on patron, but if there's a major game-breaking bug still lurking somewhere in the game, I'll try to rush out another mini fix before I go to sleep. (Fingers crossed that there isn't.) ^^

    Download links for the .jar version:

    Pre-zipped: Mega

    (Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)

    .exe version (Please use this if you are on Windows and have not installed/updated java!):

    Pre-zipped: Mega

    (Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)

    This is still an early alpha, and will most likely contain bugs and half-finished content!

    Version patch notes:

  • Other:
    • Added: Ability to remove jinxes from any NPC's clothing.
      Added: Breeder collar (feminine, neck slot). Can be bought from Nyan's 'Specials' menu.
      Removing a jinx from clothing no longer removes its negative attributes.
      Enabled futanari as a minimal gender encounter by default.
      Improved the gender preferences screen to show how each gender is defined.
  • Bugs:
    • Fixed the strange behaviour in sex scenes, where dom/sub would sometimes switch, as well as sex ending when either one of you came.
      Fixed game freeze/crash when trying to remove your offspring.
      Fixed character import bug (where characters from pre-0.1.86 were not being imported correctly).
      Character import now correctly loads in your surname.
      Fixed no_clothing_covering_nipples error that was appearing in some sex actions.
      Fixed nipples being described as 'dry'.
      Typo fixes.
      Changed flat-chested [breasts] parser description to output 'pecs' instead of 'chest'. (Hopefully this hasn't broken descriptions in places. x_x)
      Condoms will no longer magically re-equip themselves after sex.
      Fixed formatting in all stats pages.
      Succubi in the Dark Alleyway tiles will no longer disappear as soon as you move away.
      Feeding your prostitute daughter a Vixen's Virility pill will now correctly override her promiscuity pill's effects.
      Fixed 'Paizuri into mouth' action being available even if your mouth was blocked.
      Fixed Nyan stocking condoms, and added them to Ralph's inventory again.
      Fixed an instance of an NPC's orgasm not describing them wearing a condom.
      Piercings should now correctly appear in the character creation.
      Fixed virginity loss description being printed twice.
      Fixed an import bug marking cum as milk.
      Fixed a couple of inconsistencies in the prologue dialogue.
      Fixed genders with breast requirements (such as busty-boys or flat-chested traps) not spawning.
      Fixed random encounters of certain genders when they were supposed to be turned off.
      Prostitute offspring will no longer rsist after you've paid to have sex with them.
      Fixed all starting characters having 5 corruption (it's going to be based on your sexual experience until I add in the final parts of the character creation process).
      Fixed slave room description not taking into account bed upgrades.

    Saturday 7 October 2017

    Version 0.1.86 Release

    Edit: There are a few bugs with the sex system in this version. I'll make a hotfix over the weekend!

    Saturday night edit: I'll answer the rest of your comments when I wake up tomorrow, and then get the hotfix ready for ~22:00 BST! :3

    Hello! ^^

    First of all, sorry for the small delay! I was planning on having this done by 02:00, but a bit of a bug crept up at the last minute, and I had to spend a couple of hours tracking it down...

    As you can see from the patch notes below, the major addition in this version is the incest content. The reason that it took so much time for me to write is that it's the first content I've written that's taken into account multiple different background factors (job, affection, and personality). After quite a bit of trial-and-error (and two complete rewrites), I think I've managed to get it into a decent state. I will definitely be expanding upon it and improving it in the future, but I really need to move on and get work done on slavery, sex content, and new transformation content.

    Speaking of which, for the next version, I'll be focusing on those three things, alongside adding in more main story content. ^^

    I hope you enjoy this release, and I am sorry that I didn't manage to get much work done on slavery or the planned sex & transformation content. The incest writing really did take a lot of time to get right. ;_;

    Download links for the .jar version:

    Pre-zipped: Mega

    (Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)

    .exe version (Please use this if you are on Windows and have not installed/updated java!):

    Pre-zipped: Mega

    (Removed Google Drive link due to lack of storage space. If you'd like a copy of this version, and the Mega link isn't working, please contact me! :3)

    This is still an early alpha, and will most likely contain bugs and half-finished content!

    Version 0.1.86 patch notes:

  • Engine:
    • Slightly reworked the detection system for consensual sex detection, in order to better support different sex scenes. (Some actions might be available when they shouldn't; I'll get this fixed for the next version.)
  • Gameplay:
    • Added: Incest dialogue. Your offspring's reactions and dialogue will alter based on your affection with them, as well as their personality and history (at the moment, the available histories are just 'mugger' and 'prostitute').
      Finished the basics of the character creator. (There's still more to add!)
      Added a couple more room upgrades for slaves, as well as some placeholder actions for conversation with them.
  • AI:
    • NPCs will now only use anal actions if they have an anal fetish, or if there is no vagina available.
      NPCs will no longer suck their own fingers.
  • Other:
    • Reworked: Condoms are now a 'clothing' item, and can be equipped into the penis slot just like any other clothing.
      Just as they worked before, once the wearer orgasms, a 'filled condom' item is added to their inventory. (Jinxed condoms are affected just like regular ones.)
      Unequipping all during sex will no longer remove piercings.
      Added the ability for NPCs to use the 'self-doggy' position (where they're the dom, but are the ones on all fours).
      Characters with a furry rating of 'Minor' or 'Partial' will no longer spawn with multiple nipples.
      Added 'perky' to breast shapes.
      Added a couple more options for gender encounter rate settings.
      NPCs will now spawn wearing makeup.
      Tweaked hair style spawn probabilities.
  • Bugs:
    • Fixed Scarlett slave interactions sometimes being broken.
      Fixed default gender spawn preferences only being males and traps.
      Setting all gender preferences to 0 now defaults to a 50/50 male/female chance, instead of making no encounters happen.
      Fixed bug where you'd start with two demonstones.
      Fixed masculine characters being assumed to be a cuntboy instead of a male.
      Fixed bug where loading a previously saved game might sometimes cut off sections of dialogue.
      Fixed NPCs dropping items in random tiles.
      Fixed bug where Vicky's inventory (and possibly Ralph's, under certain circumstances) would sometimes break.
      'Buy (5)' and 'Buy (All)' options in inventory dialogue should now correctly be greyed-out if you can't afford the cost.
      Typo fixes.
      Fixed bug where hotkey input was being registered when typing into a text field.
      Fixed exposed & exhibitionist tooltips not returning the correct descriptions for NPCs.
      Rough tail-pegging/tail fucking now have the correct related fetishes.
      Fixed combat damage calculations not taking into account damage range.
      Skin colourings for lips, anus, vagina, penis, and nipples will now be correctly updated to the skin colour of the rest of your body in the character creator.
      Random name/surname buttons in the character creator will no loner reset the other field when pressed.
      Fixed the availability of clothing's unequipping/drop actions in sex.
      Fixed cocks being described as sheathed during sex.
      Fixed NPCs not raping you if they had the non-con fetish. (Oops)
      Fixed lips always being described as full.
      Cow-morph consumables can now be used on alleyway attackers and harpies in the nests.

    P.S. I'll respond to everyone tomorrow! :3

    Wednesday 4 October 2017

    Release will be on Friday

    I'm working on getting it packaged now (04:03BST)! It shouldn't be more than 30-40 minutes. Sorry it's running a little late! ;_;

    Hello everyone! This is just a small post to keep you all informed as to what's going on. ^^

    As the title says, I'm going to push the planned mid-week update back to the regular time of Friday night. That means that the next update will be on Friday 6th, at about 23:00-04:00 BST.

    The incest content will be in a finished state for this evening, but I won't have time to thoroughly test it. There are also numerous bugs that I need to fix before pushing an update, as well as the character creation and slavery work to finish. As a result of all this, I feel as though it would be better for me to stick to the schedule of Friday releases, and present a more polished version then.

    I'll spend the next hour answering all of your comments in the previous posts, and then before I go to bed, I'll update the post before this one to show how much stuff I've got done. ^^

    Tuesday 3 October 2017

    Goals for 0.1.86

    Hello again everyone! :3

    As I said on Friday, I didn't manage to get the incest content finished for the preview, so I'm going to spend the start of this week focusing on finishing that off. After that, I'll add some more slavery content, then set about improving the orgasm scenes and adding in new TF content.

    There's also a mountain of bugs for me to fix, so I'll have to make some time to get through some of those as well. All in all, it's probably a little ambitious for me to aim to get so much done, but I'll push myself to get as much done as I possibly can! ^^

    I'm aiming to get another update (with the incest content) pushed to github/patreon on Wednesday evening, however, if I can't get enough bugs fixed along with it, I might just roll it all into Friday's update. I'll make a post on Wednesday regardless of whether I push the update or not, to update you all on my progress (the post will be early if the update is rolled into Friday, to give you plenty of warning). ^^

    Goals for Friday's release:

    Finish off last week's targets:
    X Finish off character creator.
    X Finish writing incest dialogue.

    Finish Slavery Basics
    X Fetishes. (This might be a big one and run into the next version.)
    X Jobs.
    X Permissions & rules.
    X Add more ways to influence affection and obedience.

    X Improve orgasm dialogue.
    X Add in position-specific orgasm scenes.
    X Add in body-part recognition for orgasm scenes (such as knotting, orifice modifiers, fluid modifiers, etc.).

    New TFs
    X Add in missing content related to the new transformations. (Addictive fluids, part modifiers referenced during sex, etc.)

    Bug fixes/Other
    X Get work done on the save compatibility system.
    X Achieve a total of 30 bug fixes and minor implementations.

    Ongoing projects:

    Implement new saving system:
    X Try and get all Serializable objects to work between versions. (This didn't work.)
    X Decide on using XML or JSON. (JSON turned out to be a lot faster - thanks Pimgd!)

    JSON conversion for:
    X Body
    X Inventory
    X Map
    X NPCs
    X Finishing touches

    P.S. I'll try and get all of your comments answered tomorrow! :3