Wednesday 24 January 2018

Continued goals for 0.1.98

Hello again! ^^

This is just a small post to let you all know what I'm working on this week. :3

The main thing that I'll be focusing on over the next few days is finishing off all the sex-related work, which will include writing in a lot more detail for the new orgasm system, as well as adding in stamina and lust mechanics during sex. I'm going to push the combat rework & Nyan content back into version 0.1.99, as there are a huge amount of bugs in this current version, and I really need to spend some time getting them under control before I move on to anything else.

Goals for 0.1.98:

- Finish multiple-partner sex scene framework & implement the final improvements to the sex system (lust & stamina in sex).

- Add in more detailed orgasm descriptions for knotting, orifice modifiers, fluid modifiers, etc.

- Add in missing content related to addictive fluids, and start writing in descriptions for different TF types during sex (such as tongue length influencing oral descriptions, grabbing horns, using multiple tails, etc.). This will be something that I'll continue to work on through the course of the game's development, as there are a huge number of TFs to take into account when writing descriptions for sex scenes.

Moved to 0.1.99:

- Implement combat & stats improvements.

- Add quest & content for Nyan (which was the winner of a poll I did on Patreon).